West Bend Mutual Insurance Company, through their partnership with Adept Driver, is offering the teenSMART driver safety program at a HUGE discount! Through the month of December, our West Bend clients can purchase the course for $29.95. West Bend clients normally pay $59.95 for the course and standard retail pricing is $119.95.
Completion of the teenSMART program is proven to reduce accidents and improve driver safety. And, even better, you earn a discount! It qualifies your teen driver for a discount on your Home & Highway Policy with West Bend.
For more information on this program, please click here to go to the ADEPT Driver page for West Bend Mutual clients.
If you have additional questions, please contact our office and we’ll be happy to assist!
At Marengo Insurance Agency, we realize that budgets are tight and price is important. This one example of how we are ‘looking for ways to help you save!’
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